
Monster legends goldfield skills
Monster legends goldfield skills

monster legends goldfield skills monster legends goldfield skills

Nanovirus blocks Recently Frozen allowing her to denial-chain.Access to PER as a Denier and Freeze as a Nature Monster.3 tortures in Poison, Nanovirus and Toxins.Overall, she's an absolutely terrible monster whose only use is being compost.

monster legends goldfield skills

Now onto her negatives: She has only one PER move that only targets one enemy so she can't cleanse the positive effects of the entire enemy team, only has Freeze for denial, doesn't have TD so she can't chain deny and also can't effectively use her cursing abilities, and finally, she has high cooldowns and stamina costs. Starting with her positives (as there's little to cover), she has a speed of 7,920 making her the fastest denier in the game, has decent relic slots, 3 tortures in Poison, Nanovirus, and Toxins (the Nanovirus also blocks Recently Frozen making her freeze enemies over and over again), and a one PER move. Emmerice is a mediocre Nature Denier/Curser with a bland movepool.

Monster legends goldfield skills